lakewood kollel wife

Thursday, July 27, 2006


[Thank you "fotheringay-phipps" for today's post. To all readers: comment on any topic; your comment may be our next post - KollelVeib]

Clerk denies request on recommendation of code enforcement dept.

Staff Writer

FREEHOLD - A Lakewood real estate agent has been denied a permit to go door to door seeking to buy borough properties based on his history of code violations on properties he manages in town.

Based on a recommendation by the code enforcement office, the borough clerk denied the permit. The Borough Council was advised of the decision during its July 17 meeting.

. . .

Councilman Marc Le Vine has said some people are going door to door soliciting residents to sell their homes for cash. Le Vine said, "these landlords want to be able to break our laws and remain obscure. They can't have it both ways. We need to know who they are by name, we need to know who they are and what they are doing. Many landlords are from Lakewood and have poor track records there. Somehow the message got out to come here and trash our town. Publicity is their greatest enemy."

[click here to read the full article]

Tuesday, July 25, 2006


[Thank you "fotheringay-phipps" for today's post. To all readers, please feel free to post on any topic; your comment may be tomorrow's post - KollelVeib]

Actually one of the reasons prices have increased so much is because of speculators, both in and out of Lakewood. But that's not the real problem at hand. The real problem is that investors can make lots of money by renting to illegal aliens at high rents that are only supported by these illegal aliens taking in subtennents and creating multi-family housing out of single family housing. This tactic pushes up the price of the cheaper housing that theser people tend to rent, but this has a ripple effect of the prices of higher end housing as well. Because if the price of a 4 bedroom slum is X, then the price of a 4 bedroom house in decent condition has to be X + Y. And so on.

Of course, by filling up the town with zillions of ilegal aliens, many of whom are low class people, the rest of the town suffers, from high real estate prices, high taxes (since people living in these houses take an enormous amount of township services as compared to the taxes paid on the houses), higher crime and lower quality of life generally. On the plus side, you get some cleaning ladies. A pretty bad deal, for everyone besides the investors themselves.

Monday, July 24, 2006


[Thank you "Rav Anonymous" for today's post. To all readers: Please post a comment on any topic; your comment may be tomorrow's post - KollelVeib]

I think most would agree that the average Lakewood guy who calls himself a real estate investor, one who can hardly spell or read, is not professional. Those individuals who spend their empty time reading books on how to get rich in 30 says are not, shall we say, achieving anything of fundamental signifigance.

. . . [M]any in the area are find it unfair that prices for homes have shot up in Lakewood; I definitely understand those who have come to Lakewood to learn Torah in a cheaper setting without being befuddled by the high costs of living our bretheren are encumbered by in the New York area. I feel their pain.

[In response to some readers complaints that these remarks were taken out of context, the following is "Rav Anonymous" original comment COMPLETE. - KollelVeib]

I never head of the anti-professional real estate investors agenda. Who is behind it? And why? As an aside, I would never use the word "professional" in connection with a "real estate investor[s]" in Lakewood. I think most would agree that the average Lakewood guy who calls himself a real estate investor, one who can hardly spell or read, is not professional. Those individuals who spend their empty time reading books on how to get rich in 30 says are not, shall we say, achieving anything of fundamental significance. If you would call this assesment incorrect and accuse it of flowing from the
"anti" "professional" real estate "investor" "agenda" in Lakewood, you are either one of them--and devoid of sound logical reasoning and intelligence--or completely out of touch with reality.

If on the other hand, you are calling on the sad fact that many in the area are find it unfair that prices for homes have shot up in Lakewood, I definitely understand those who have come to Lakewood to learn Torah in a cheaper setting without being befuddled by the high costs of living our bretheren are encumbered by in the New York area. I feel their pain.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


[Thank you DevB for today's post. To all readers: Please feel free to omment on any topic; your comment may be tomorrow's post - KollelVeib]

Words cannot express how offended and disgusted I am by your comment implying that this horrific assault was a "wake up call" for us to improve Tznius issues. (see comment in previous thread)

Are you G-d's shutaf that you know why he allowed this to happen? Are you this poor victim's judge that you dare to presume to know why she "deserved" this?

Go get some proper Hashkofos. Shame on you!