[Thank you "Shiksa Passing Through" for today's post. To all readers - please comment on any topic, your comment might be tomorrow's post - KollelVeib]
"Admission standards" should be based on academic achievements/potential. Obviously they arent based on ability to pay, as the average family income in Lakewood, frum or not,isnt all that high. From what I read about the Orthodox schools in Lakewood, it seems to me that these "policies" are based more on the whims of the upper echelon and based on ridiculous criteria like whether the parents have a computer or what they do for a living (or not) or their social ranking. Enlighten me, please on the "standards and policies". Correct me if I am wrong? Please, get off that high horse you are on. EVERY child deserves an education. To deny them that, if not a legal crime, is a MORAL crime. If you dont believe that, you really ought to examine your beliefs. I mean really, there will very possibly be a point in time where these girls are going to be expected to be the breadwinners in their family. What kind of jobs can they get with no education? I doubt you would have that attitude if it were YOUR child.