[Thank you "Anonymous" for today's post. To all readers - please comment on any topic, your comment might be tomorrow's post - KollelVeib]
This problem is just going to get worse. Until people change their attitude about tuition and treat tuition as coming ahead of vacations, summer camps, $15,000 a year seminary and many other expenses etc., we will always be struggling to finance new schools. There is a certain attitude that a tution break is a right of everyone that is middle or lower income, and somehow the school administration is the responsible party. While I dont argue the fact that needy people should get tution breaks, it is the attitude that is wrong.
If a parent would look at it as if he is definitely required to pay his full share and asking for a tuition reduction is the equivalent of asking the school to go out and collect Tzedokoh for your needs, then I think people would think twice about their lifestyles and rearrange their priorities. I do not minimize the need for a well deserved summer vacation or much needed camps or seminary, but the order of priorities should be Tuition, rent, food, and utilities before anything else.